Drysdale Forestry and Consulting

Providing Forestry and Arboriculture Consulting Services Throughout Northern Michigan

Street and Park Tree Inventories

Today it is important for municipalities to incorporate tree-risk management programs. This helps to ensure the safety of the public and helps to reduce the liabilities of the municipality. A tree inventory serves as the basis of a community tree management program by documenting the condition of the community’s urban forest. Inventories can identify species, size, and conditions for the trees within given boundaries. They can also identify characteristics of trees that could lead to problems in the future. Some of these characteristics may be disease, insect damage, poor form, or poor growing conditions. I can perform these inventories so that the municipality can design a program that will help manage its urban forest resource.


Urban Park
SAF Certified Forester
 Arboricultural Society of Michigan
ISA Certified Arborist
Association of Consulting Foresters
International Society of Arboriculture (

Based in Cadillac, Michigan, Drysdale Forestry & Consulting provides consulting services throughout Northern Michigan.