Drysdale Forestry and Consulting

Providing Forestry and Arboriculture Consulting Services Throughout Northern Michigan

Property Inspection Services

Some landowners are not able to regularly inspect their property for signs of trespass, timber theft, vandalism, and/or overall forest health. Some of the reasons that an individual may not have the ability to inspect their property on a regular basis are: busy schedule, absentee landowner (i.e. live far away from the owned parcel), health / mobility issues, etc. Drysdale Forestry & Consulting can inspect parcels of property and inform the landowner of any important issues / occurrences on the property. The frequency of visits and thoroughness of the inspection can be customized to fit the desires of the landowner.

Please note that in order to effectively perform these services, the property boundaries must be identified. If they are not already identified, additional work may be required in order to establish and/or make the property lines more visible. Drysdale Forestry & Consulting has no authority to enforce laws regarding trespassing or timber trespass, and is only capable of reporting violations to the landowner. Drysdale Forestry & Consulting is capable of assisting the Landowner/Landowner’s Attorney with forestry specific duties if a violation is discovered.

Paul Inspecting
SAF Certified Forester
 Arboricultural Society of Michigan
ISA Certified Arborist
Association of Consulting Foresters
International Society of Arboriculture (

Based in Cadillac, Michigan, Drysdale Forestry & Consulting provides consulting services throughout Northern Michigan.