Drysdale Forestry and Consulting

Providing Forestry and Arboriculture Consulting Services Throughout Northern Michigan

GPS/GIS Mapping

Drysdale Forestry & Consulting utilizes some of the most advanced integrated GPS/GIS systems available to create custom maps to meet the needs of the individual land owner. Maps can be created that document/illustrate a variety of features, as well as include aerial imagery. Some common features that can be included on maps include but are not limited to:

  • Property Boundaries
  • Stand/Cover Type Boundaries
  • Street Tree/Park Tree Locations
  • Harvesting Units
  • Roads/Trails
  • Lakes/ Rivers/ Streams/ Drainages/ Vernal Ponds
  • Buffer Zones
  • Hunting Blinds, Tree Stands, Food Plots, Buildings
  • Unique Wildlife Features (i.e. raptor nests, dens, etc.)
  • Pipeline/Utility Right-of-Ways & Oil/Gas Wells

Note: Drysdale Forestry & Consulting is not a registered land surveyor, and can only guarantee location accuracy within the range of accuracy published by the GPS manufacturer.

Paul Measuring Tree
SAF Certified Forester
 Arboricultural Society of Michigan
ISA Certified Arborist
Association of Consulting Foresters
International Society of Arboriculture (

Based in Cadillac, Michigan, Drysdale Forestry & Consulting provides consulting services throughout Northern Michigan.