GPS/GIS Mapping
Drysdale Forestry & Consulting utilizes some of the most advanced integrated GPS/GIS systems available to create custom maps to meet the needs of the individual land owner. Maps can be created that document/illustrate a variety of features, as well as include aerial imagery. Some common features that can be included on maps include but are not limited to:
- Property Boundaries
- Stand/Cover Type Boundaries
- Street Tree/Park Tree Locations
- Harvesting Units
- Roads/Trails
- Lakes/ Rivers/ Streams/ Drainages/ Vernal Ponds
- Buffer Zones
- Hunting Blinds, Tree Stands, Food Plots, Buildings
- Unique Wildlife Features (i.e. raptor nests, dens, etc.)
- Pipeline/Utility Right-of-Ways & Oil/Gas Wells
Note: Drysdale Forestry & Consulting is not a registered land surveyor, and can only guarantee location accuracy within the range of accuracy published by the GPS manufacturer.